Robots are spreading!

It is very difficult to find a person that doesn’t like to travel – everyone likes traveling! The trouble can be of course if you have no one to travel to.  Luckily, this is not the case for us 🙂 During this month we were invited to five places to come and share our experience, hear some questions and opinions and meet some curious folks in person. It looks like “Meet The Robots” event we hosted recently made its impact.



We visited three elementary schools located in Umčari, Vrčin and Vinča, a technical high school located in Zaječar and the Fab Lab seminar hosted at the Petnica Science Center. In all of the places we gave a presentation about the Eurobot competition, our experience during the past two years and hopefully motivated the audience to try and compete themselves at the Eurobot competition.

Even though all of the places were generally concentrated with elementary school and high school students, there were lots of professors, adults and older people who were interested in the topic. After all, the robots are still something people don’t see every day, but we hope we’ll change that soon.

Folks from Zaječar have been working with Lego robots for over two years and they will possibly make a team and compete on the Eurobot Open this year! Several elementary school students were also especially interested in the competition and they’ll maybe join the Eurobot Junior competition. We invite everyone to give them support and the help they might need. We’ll surely help them as much as we can. But that’s not all!

A group of students attending the Applied Physics and Electronics seminar at the Petnica Science Center have organized a branch of the seminar at Kragujevac and have been working for a couple of years now. Some of them have attended the FabLab seminar we visited. They already started organizing themselves for the Eurobot Open this year and will clash their strengths with us and the other teams. Of course, we invite everyone to help these students as much as they can!

It looks like robots are slowly but surely spreading through Serbia. Who knows, maybe in a couple of years, you won’t be able to walk the street without hitting a robot 🙂

Stay tuned for more…

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